Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Film Masterclass Part 2 - 12 Actions

Here are 12 Actions that I came away with after attending Guerrilla Film Makers Masterclass. This is the 2nd blog resulting from the class, the first blog is here.

350 filmmakers in London at the Guerrilla Film Makers Masterclass with Chris Jones

One of the reasons for attending the class was to surround myself with like-minded passionate people and use some of their energy to kick me up the arse and make that big film I've been talking about for over 3 years now. I came away feeling that anything was possible and committed to start working on that film.

Here are my 12 Actions:
  1. Commit to making that movie… the one I've been talking about for 3 years.
  2. Start using twitter - I've been signed up for a year or so, but I've never really got it. So from now on I'm going to stop making excuses and start tweeting.
  3. Get some script formatting software to write the drama scenes.
  4. Plan a kick starter campaign.
  5. Recruit collaborators for my big movie
  6. Speak to my friend about story-boarding my film
  7. Read: Think Outside the Box Office
  8. Read: Power, Money, Sex and Fame
  9. Read: The Hero's Journey
  10. Recruit a mentor to assist me on my own 'hero's Journey'.
  11. Sort all my comm's channels out  - get virtual fax number, check answer phone messages, add all channels to email signature.
  12. Work for free on some drama shoots.

Finally, I think one of the biggest messages from the weekend was 'Just do it'. Chris said and I quote, "There are no excuses, [for not making that movie]... all those excuses are bollocks!"

"...all those excuses are bollocks!" Chris Jones

One person who is not making any excuses is Justin Tagg, his new Sci-Fi film 'Mouse' is going into production in April, check out their crowd funding campaign here.



Dan HB said...

Can't wait to find out what "That film" is.....

Will you be straying far from the path and heading into something more drama orientated?!

I think my favourites from the two blogs are "No, it wasn't raining".... and "Get drunk with the crew"..... the first is very true in that most people want to over complicate things for little good reason or benefit to their story.... the second is just a great way to bring everyone together and level the playing field a bit...

Of course there was nothing about having to work with an Exec Producer/ Channel Exec in there..... that's a whole new can of worms!!

Good luck with getting a grip on 'That Film' fella...

Dan HB

Hotaches Productions said...

Hi Dan,
Still on the path... just wanting to up my game. I have a docu-drama planned. Think 'Touching the Void' meets 'Trainspotting'! Diff