I had a great weekend at the EMFF; this festival gets better every time. Now in its 8th year the EMFF provided some great films and speakers. I managed to catch most of the sessions and I came away really inspired, both by the adventure and by some of the filmmaking. My new short film, ‘The Architect’, had its first outing to a full house of 450 on the Saturday night. I was very pleased with the reception the film received and delighted that it won the People's Choice Award. Thank you to everyone who came along on Saturday.

My favourite film of the weekend was definitely ‘Solo - Alone at Sea’. If you get a chance to see this I would highly recommend it. Personally, I think that for a film to be great it has to make you laugh and make you cry. Many films can do one or the other, but when a film hits both ends of the emotional spectrum you know it has something special. Over the last 6 years of attending mountain film festivals there have been a handful of films which have passed this test and this was one of them.
The jury seemed to agreed with me about 'Solo' and awarded it the 'Best Film Award'. The 'Best Climbing Film' award went to Alastair Lee's big walling epic, 'The Asgard Project'.