In the second of our series of Committed podcasts, Niall McNair talks about climbing on the Hebridean Island of Pabbay, and his new multi-pitch route on an unclimbed seacliff; Redemption Arc, E6 6a xs, climbed onsight.

"Redemption Arc' takes an completely unclimbed wall, severly undercut. The really beautifull thing is that that rock has been there for billions of years, and just knowing that our hand were the first to be on it was quite a unique feeling. "
"...the birds and the wildlife really add to it as well. You'll get dive bombed by bonksies, you'll get puked on by fulmars, but you also see basking sharks and otters and seals and all sorts of wildlife, and so you can sit on that belay ledge for hours and hours and just watch the wildlife around you."
You can watch Niall climbing on Pabbay at the Edinburgh Mountain Film Festival this Saturday night, as part of a special cut of our film Committed.
You can also read more about Pabbay and Redemption Ark in our blog entry following our filming trip back in June. Committed Volume 1 DVD will be hitting the shops in the next few days.